Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Why the National T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood Video Resonates With Me

The new National T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood Video has been released and is now on You Tube at: We invite everyone to take a look at it. It is well done and clearly describes the status of the field of early childhood and the forward momentum we've experienced via professional development of the workforce. Florida is well represented in the video and we are pleased that we have enjoyed a 16 year history with the program. What is more important is that it has made a difference in the lives of so many early childhood practitioners.

As I watched the video, I reflected back on my beginnings in this field some 35 years ago now. I was not your typical college student either. I returned to college after getting married and giving birth to two beautiful sons who were just toddlers at the time (and I was also working). I recall the life changing moment when I took my first college class in early childhood education. I was hooked! My first practicum experience was working in a Head Start program. I fell in love with the children, the program, and a small flame in me was ignited that became my passion -- the fire in my belly. My point in sharing this is that it took place within the context of a college classroom with a very insecure and hesitant returning student (me) who was, by that time, a wife and mother. No one in my family had attended college -- I was what they now term as a "first generation" college student. I had friends, family and colleagues who encouraged me to continue and that I could do it. I did...and eventually graduated with a bachelor's degree in early childhood (attending classes at night). That experience was transforming for me -- my confidence and self-esteem grew and I became a different and better person as a result. I later returned and earned a master's degree and am a Ph.D. candidate now -- truly proof that education is lifelong.

Success breeds success as I often say. My sons (the number grew to a total of six) have all graduated from college and are successful young men -- three with families of their own and I am "Mimi" to six beautiful grandchildren (3 grandsons and 3 granddaughters). The research shows that when the parents earn degrees, there is greater likelihood that their children will also go to college. In our lives, this was definitely the case -- I am blessed beyond measure.

There is a spark waiting to be ignited in the hearts of teachers throughout this great state -- and once ignited, will grow into a flame that hungers for more. Once we understand that we can truly shape the future through these children in our classrooms, we are hungry to provide them with every opportunity to be successful. It is our mark on the future -- the way that we live on through them.

I am so proud of the T.E.A.C.H. program and other efforts aimed at igniting the sparks that are transformed into blazing torches for quality early care and education for children. Education is truly the great equalizer and I am fortunate to be living proof.


  1. That is a convincing and informative video. What would the average citizen do to promote these programs? Is the only way to vote for a congressman or senator that promises to push for education if he gets elected?

    1. It is important to recognize our legislators that continue to invest in T.E.A.C.H. and thank them for making wise choices. And we need to continue to educate them about the importance of investments in quality early care and education. Moreover, we need to educate candidates about this issue and find out where they stand. The future of our children cuts across all party lines. Children aren't Republicans or Democrats -- they're innocent benefactors of our attentions or lack thereof. As you have opportunity, share the video with your family, friends and neighbors. That's a great place to start!

  2. Excellent comment, Phyllis. I related to you with a similar experience. I hadn't seen your blog before. Now that I know where it is, I will read it more often. Thank you.
