Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Why the National T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood Video Resonates With Me

The new National T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood Video has been released and is now on You Tube at: We invite everyone to take a look at it. It is well done and clearly describes the status of the field of early childhood and the forward momentum we've experienced via professional development of the workforce. Florida is well represented in the video and we are pleased that we have enjoyed a 16 year history with the program. What is more important is that it has made a difference in the lives of so many early childhood practitioners.

As I watched the video, I reflected back on my beginnings in this field some 35 years ago now. I was not your typical college student either. I returned to college after getting married and giving birth to two beautiful sons who were just toddlers at the time (and I was also working). I recall the life changing moment when I took my first college class in early childhood education. I was hooked! My first practicum experience was working in a Head Start program. I fell in love with the children, the program, and a small flame in me was ignited that became my passion -- the fire in my belly. My point in sharing this is that it took place within the context of a college classroom with a very insecure and hesitant returning student (me) who was, by that time, a wife and mother. No one in my family had attended college -- I was what they now term as a "first generation" college student. I had friends, family and colleagues who encouraged me to continue and that I could do it. I did...and eventually graduated with a bachelor's degree in early childhood (attending classes at night). That experience was transforming for me -- my confidence and self-esteem grew and I became a different and better person as a result. I later returned and earned a master's degree and am a Ph.D. candidate now -- truly proof that education is lifelong.

Success breeds success as I often say. My sons (the number grew to a total of six) have all graduated from college and are successful young men -- three with families of their own and I am "Mimi" to six beautiful grandchildren (3 grandsons and 3 granddaughters). The research shows that when the parents earn degrees, there is greater likelihood that their children will also go to college. In our lives, this was definitely the case -- I am blessed beyond measure.

There is a spark waiting to be ignited in the hearts of teachers throughout this great state -- and once ignited, will grow into a flame that hungers for more. Once we understand that we can truly shape the future through these children in our classrooms, we are hungry to provide them with every opportunity to be successful. It is our mark on the future -- the way that we live on through them.

I am so proud of the T.E.A.C.H. program and other efforts aimed at igniting the sparks that are transformed into blazing torches for quality early care and education for children. Education is truly the great equalizer and I am fortunate to be living proof.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Dr. Wil Blechman, Guest Blogger & Forum Board Member on Proposed Early Learning Bills in Florida

The basic foundation of the human brain is created during the prenatal period and the first few years of life. During this time the brain has its greatest potential for learning; however, it is also at its most vulnerable stage. When the child is exposed to child care staff that does not have a very good understanding of early childhood brain development, including specific training to support social and emotional development, that child’s brain is less likely to develop optimally. If the child comes from an environment that is considered at risk, it is even more essential that the staff be highly trained in early developmental issues. While the brain, responding to all environmental experiences especially in the earlier years of life, can be modified fairly easily (for better or for worse), it may never be possible for it to return to what should have been its optimal state had bad experiences not occurred. However, highly trained teachers can support the child’s development and obtain the best results possible under the circumstances. One is not likely to get these results without a qualified teacher and a quality teaching environment.

The bills being considered by the legislature appear designed purely and simply to get more children now on a waiting list into a child care setting, making it easier for a parent to work. However, by reducing standards, allowing possible ineffective curricula, not allowing screening to identify children who need additional supports and not giving parents the ability to recognize centers which are doing more than just meeting minimal standards of care, the legislature risks putting many of our youngest citizens at serious risk. Perhaps people are unaware that licensure by the state to run a center, small or large, is not based on quality. Without quality rating systems we already know that most parents are likely to pick a place based on its being close to them or being inexpensive (this type of inexpensiveness can cost more than a family or our society should ever have to pay.)

The just-passed bill will have a significant economic impact, though perhaps not quite what the authors were considering.

Approximately 30% of Florida’s children entering kindergarten are already at a lower level of readiness than their peers. Unfortunately, this is likely to worsen each year thereafter.

As if this isn’t bad enough with its short-term fiscal impact, Florida also has a close to 30% high school dropout rate. If legislators truly want to have a significant impact on this state’s economy and financial state as well as Florida’s future, they will do whatever is necessary to overcome these statistics.

The short-term impact is related to the extra resources that often must be brought to bear to help the children who are beginning behind the eight ball as well as to costs associated with some children having to repeat one or more grades. Long-term we deal with students who drop out of high school. They may have been held back before dropping out, but, whether held back or not, they are far more likely to experience negative outcomes, including being unable to get a meaningful job with a living wage and chance for advancement.

There is a strong likelihood that these failures had their beginning in the years prior to entry into kindergarten, and a major concern points to these children not having been exposed to either parenting or child care experiences based upon the remarkable increase in understanding early childhood brain development.

Unfortunately, teachers who do not have the appropriate background may give up on the child leading to his or her dismissal from the center. Also unfortunately, studies have revealed that faith-based, private or community-based non-profit centers are more likely to expel a preschool student than those in public school settings or Head Start. One can see that this would bias any long-term measurements of value.

Childhood and education during childhood are ongoing processes during which the brain continues its development, building upon the foundation created during those early years. It makes no sense to focus only on a limited age group, for example zero to five, then ignore six to ten or vice versa. If the foundation is flawed, that which follows is less likely to be optimally functional. At the same time, even with a good foundation, if following experiences of the child are inadequate or inappropriate for learning, the effect on the brain will also be less than desired.

There appears to be a feeling that we are loaded in this state and in this country with high quality early care and education centers. It has not been so long ago that research nationally revealed this belief to be terribly incorrect. Over the past 12 or 13 years there has indeed been improvement in many centers in parts of Florida, so that the children within those centers are truly receiving care which also helps them learn, not just being in a glorified baby-sitting service. The bills being discussed will take us back to what might well be described as the Dark Ages of ineffective brain stimulation during that period of a child’s life that is so critical in determining whether the individual will succeed or fail in school and/or in life.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Kisses from Katie: A Story of Relentless Love and Redemption

I hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful holiday season. Now we're back to the work but my mind still reflects back on a book I read last week entitled "Kisses from Katie: A Story of Relentless Love and Redemption" by Katie Davis and Beth Clark. It is an amazing true story of a young woman who has a heart for the children of Uganda. I would encourage anyone to read it. Katie is only 22 now but at 19, she embarked on a journey to Uganda with a burden for orphans and a heart of love and service. What has been accomplished is nothing short of miraculous and the book is her testimony of courage and faith. The nonprofit created as a result of her journey is Amazima Ministries (Luganda for "truth"). Because of her efforts, 1,600 children have access to nutritious meals daily, 14 children have become Katie's adopted daughters and 400 children who would have otherwise had no access to an education are now attending school through Amazima's supporters and sponsors. Additionally, micro-enterprise opportunities abound for women who would have been forced into prostitution or brewing alcohol for money to survive. Check out their website at

The take away message is that each of us have within our power to make a difference, to improve the world, our nation and our communities. We can impact the living conditions of children and families and share that every human being is a marvelous creation and important. We can do this through our caring concern, our time, resources, expertise and action. My New Year's resolution is to emulate Katie's example and be more willing to say "yes" to the opportunities to serve.

Have a blessed New Year.

Warmest regards,


Monday, November 28, 2011

Children in Poverty

A story that appeared online today shows that Florida's rate of child poverty exceeds the national average. The data show that approximately one out of four children in our state live in poverty as compared to one out of five nationally. Perhaps the seriousness of these facts escapes the attention of Florida citizens. What does this mean to us? Considering the fact that children who grow up in poverty are most likely to experience other problems such as readiness for school, reading and other education difficulties, health concerns, and later problems such as gangs and juvenile delinquency, we should all care.

We know that children who start behind, stay behind. Without the important early intervention opportunities that help to level the playing field, poor children are most likely to experience poor learning outcomes and lack of success in school and life. Children need proper nutrition, health insurance to ensure good health outcomes and an opportunity to attend a quality early childhood program to help them gain the readiness skills for later success. Afterschool programs are critically needed to sustain the gains from early childhood intervention strategies as well as to ensure ongoing enrichment, recreation, extended learning opportunities and social development.

They may be someone else's children but they're our future. We should all be concerned about the quality of life that will affect us all today and tomorrow in Florida. We can do better...and we simply must.



Monday, October 24, 2011

Miami Visit

Last week, I was in Miami and had the opportunity to visit Kids Corner, a Quality Counts 5-star center located in Doral. The center is also NAEYC accredited. The school is beautiful and well-equipped. While that is always a good sign, it doesn't necessarily speak to the quality of the program as we know that the interactions between the adults and the children are key. I am pleased to report that great things were happening. The adults were actively engaged in the activities with the children, scaffolding their learning experiences and modeling good language. It was so refreshing to observe developmentally-appropriate activities and the children were obviously enjoying their program.

They were kind enough to allow us to take photos of the children and the staff. We will be sharing some of those pictures in our publications. I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to the staff who graciously embraced our intrusion without missing a beat.

Quality Counts is making a difference and we are so pleased to be a part of this work in Miami-Dade County. I look forward to visiting other programs as I get out around the state and sharing what I see. It is so refreshing and rewarding...



Friday, October 7, 2011

Palm Beach County Celebrates ECE

I just returned from Palm Beach County where the Early Learning Coalition hosted a very nice breakfast for early care and education providers in that county. The event was so very classy. It was held at the Kravits Center for Performing Arts. It was an opportunity to celebrate the efforts of the field in providing quality services for children and their families as well as to announce the new assessment system. Coalition staff worked hard to coordinate the event and sponsors generously contribute to underwrite the costs. The planning and quality certainly rivaled many conferences and they are to be congratulated for a fine job.

As the CEO for the organization awarded the contract for the assessment work, I was asked to speak -- and I complained voraciously as I followed Ron Mohl of Lakeshore who did an energizing presentation on engaging children in the classroom. Ron's presentation had us laughing, moving and enjoying why we are drawn to this field from the start -- a deep and abiding appreciation for the joys of childhood and the awesome wonder of how children learn and grow. I was honored to be a part of this celebration and we are so fortunate to have a wonderful team of assessors in Palm Beach led by Denise Griffith, our area coordinator; Debbie Conley, our Program Assessments Center director and Dr. Beverly Esposito, our VP for Professional Development and Assessments.

I always enjoy speaking to teachers and directors throughout the state about their work, their joys and challenges. Good things are happening throughout the county and it is due to the collaborative nature of the funders and partners to include the Children's Services Council of Palm Beach County and the Early Learning Coalition. We were honored to participate in this special event and look forward to working with all of the good folks in Palm Beach County. It was a special treat for us too.

Phyllis Kalifeh
President & CEO
Children's Forum, Inc.
2807 Remington Green Circle
Tallahassee, FL

Monday, September 26, 2011

Special Guest Blogger Julie Rogers: Florida’s State Board of Education Wants Better Early Care and Education Results with Less Investment

The Florida State Board of Education recently sat in a meeting (likely while you were at work and your child was in child care) and complained about putting your state tax dollars into low performing child care programs. They are right to be concerned about your (and my) tax dollars. But if these Board members are as dismayed as they say they are at the return on the state’s child care investment, instead of asking teachers to do more with less to get your kids ready for kindergarten, why are they not outraged at the dismal wages and low levels of education your child’s teacher has to settle for? Why are they not out in the state advocating for living wages and a college education for your child’s teacher?

How can they complain about putting state dollars into low performing child care programs while at the same time settling for a workforce that on average earns around $8-9/ hour? Your child’s teacher earns less than the warehouse workers who pack and ship your orders at And many child care teachers have at most a high school diploma as the top achievement in their education tool kit with which to work from to prepare your children to pass tests at five years old.

By virtue of the dismal teacher wages and minimal education this state’s leadership accepts, you as parents are being sent the message that your child’s teacher is not worth much and doesn’t need much education to care for and educate your child from birth to kindergarten. Yet, for this substandard investment in pay and education, they expect your child’s teacher to ensure that your child can pass educational tests when he/she turns five years old.

Would you want your five year old to pass a test to determine whether or not your parenting is adequate? Do you think the value of the skills you need to raise your child from birth to kindergarten is worth $8/hour? Yet, your child’s teacher works with a whole classroom full of children like yours, often for more waking hours than you spend with your child. Perhaps a real investment in your child would reap better results all the way around.